A user friendly, configurable and versatile digital planning system.
Planning of day-to-day work activities and production on-site by multiple groups, traditionally includes the use of white boards and spreadsheets, which often causes problems in coordinating a cohesive and deliverable work plan, in line with production targets. Combining multiple plans with the available equipment and human resources available at the time requires agile changes to create a combined, deliverable, site-based plan.
If shift production targets are to be realistic, the available time based on the work planned, available resources, production location and conditions should be logically factored in which is difficult with manual planning systems.
Often when circumstances change, subsequent shift and weekly plans are not adequately updated or require a lot of re-working.
Using paper-based systems, communicating the work plan, information and production targets to people on shift, plus capturing what work has been accomplished and production achieved, is time consuming, prone to error and only occurs at the end of shift.
ProdMate® has a user-friendly, configurable and versatile digital planning system module, making planning quicker, easier and more effective. Create realistic, deliverable plans for each shift, day and week to achieve your production targets based on the required tasks, process, operating conditions and resources available. Automatically communicate the planned scope of work to everyone on shift direct to mobile device (ProdNote). Compare actual results to plan in real-time or end of shift for quick adaptation of plans for the following shifts and week.
Allows multiple users to work on the plan, recording changes made.
Scheduling solutions
Configurable for shift systems and rosters.
Material handling
Equipment type, quantity and availability.
Task scheduler
Select and schedule planned works tasks from configurable directory or create new tasks.
Procurement management
Planned vs available resources are evaluated and displayed and editing plans to match available resources based on operational priorities is a quick and simple process.
Capacity scheduling
Production is automatically calculated by ProdMate’s process simulator, based on scheduled available time after planned downtime, process KPIs, location and conditions. Accurate and realistic production targets can be determined and agreed on, which can be objectively compared against the actuals during and after the shift.
Automated systems
The planned work, notifications, information, and production KPI targets are automatically uploaded to the ProdNote mobile device app before each shift and displayed and distributed electronically as required.
Effective scheduling
ProdMate auto scheduling makes updating shift and week plans much simpler and quicker but users still have full control to easily, manually re-schedule work tasks, and so forth as required.
Strategic planning
Each group, unit or department can develop their own plan which is then integrated into a single site plan.
Interfaceable to EMS and Works Order Management Systems.
Interpersonal skills
People, skills and availability.
Scheduled downtimes
Planned downtimes can be configured in a directory and scheduled.
Production planning
Tasks and Works Orders can be configured with durations, resource requirements and information which makes planning quicker, easier and more effective.
Periodic maintenance
Tasks can be linked to a process, geographical location, time interval or selected as required within the planned work.
Short interval control
Well defined and logical short interval control targets can be set, specified on the shift’s scope of works, and compared to actuals during the shift.
Workflow management
Work task completion and status is automatically uploaded back into the Planning System and can be communicated to the next shift crew and used to update following shifts and week plans.
Shift scheduling
Various customisable shift, 24-hour, weekly and monthly reports and dashboards are available.