

The Challenge

Managing tunnelling projects to achieve project deadlines and budgets, plus keeping multiple stakeholders and contractors informed and aligned throughout the project, can be complex and challenging.

Our Solution

ProdMate® can help Increase productivity, improve efficiency, and reduce costs, with easy to use and agile integrated management of production, construction and maintenance activities. All project meetings can be managed through the ProdMate® Meeting Manager so all participants are kept informed and decisions and accountability are managed effectively.

ProdMate® implementation

Efficiently plan, communicate and measure all tunnelling activities on a short term basis and seamlessly link this to all levels of operational, planning and management meetings.

Short term weekly and shift planning of production, support and ancillary activities can be quickly and effectively undertaken using the ProdMate® Planning Board module. Targets and KPIs aligned to the project plan are defined and communicated to each shift crew together with all relevant information required to complete the planned work.

ProdMate® processes data from the tunnelling equipment (e.g. TBM and Road headers) to generate accurate, real-time information on the production process and integrates this to manual reporting from the ProdNote mobile device app used by shift supervisors and maintenance personnel. A fully customisable system allows accurate and effective process management and short interval control. Progress is measured and manageable in real-time to facilitate quick and efficient decision making to keep the project on schedule.

Information can be pre-populated to shift intervals or daily and weekly operational meeting digital agendas. Issues, actions and task completion and accountability are tracked using ProdMate Meeting Manager. All meeting notes, information and decisions can be referenced and tracked chronologically. Interfacing between multiple organisations involved in the project is made much simpler and more effective so that well-informed, on-time decisions can be made and recorded.

ProdMate provides a fully customisable range of periodic reports spanning shifts, days, or weeks, to help manage process optimisation and project progress to plan. Real-time dashboards and end of shift reports can be viewed online or distributed electronically as required.

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In the tunnelling industry and ready to make a change for the better?

Unlock improved KPIs, enhanced workflow, and real-time data. Book a call with our team to learn how ProdMate could improve your operation.